سورة الحج

Surah Name: Al-Hajj Meaning:The Pilgrimage

Key Points

  • Revealed at Makkah and Madinah
  • This is a Surah full of wonders. Some of its Ayat were revealed ai Makkah while others at Madinah, both at night as well as in day time, during a journey and at home. Some were revealed in the battle field and some in peace time. And some of its Ayat are abrogative and others abrogated, some are allegorical while others clearly issue commands. In short, according to the learned Commentators this Surah is a collection of all the genres of revelation.
  • The last Section of the preceding Surah discussed the obduracy of the infidels and their inevitable humiliation in Akhirah, the raising of the Holy Prophet-SW as a mercy for all realms, the infidels' deprivation and their denial of the Day of Judgment. Towards the end it emphasized that it will come in any case, being Allah s Decision. This Surah, at the very outset, unfolds the horrifying ambience of al-Qayamah and prov ides logical arguments of its inevitability
  • Total Number of Ruku / Sections 10
  • Total Number of Ayat / Parts 78
  • Surah / Chapter number 22
  • Ruku / Section 1 contains Ayat / Parts 10
  • Siparah/ Volume 17

    Surah Al-Hajj Ruku 1


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